Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hi there and thanks for visiting my little corner of the web. I'm going to launch right into this like you already know me, so here goes.

My son is 2 months 2 days old today and i can't believe that much time has passed since he was born. I just got done feeding him and he fell asleep on my chest, how is it possible to love someone so much after such a short period of time? My whole life has changed and the funny thing is I don't even care. I spend my days changing diapers and making up silly songs all in the attempt to coax a smile out of Matthew. Today i was singing a song about pooping to him while he stared up at me like i had lost my mind, and at the very end, there it is a loop sided toothless grin to melt my heart...

Speaking of melting, what is it about having a baby and emotions. I'm watching American Idol (i love, love, love Reality TV) and these stupid sappy stories are making me well up. What is with that? It really crazy. And why is my patience with my baby immeasurable, but when it comes to my husband and dog I have none? My poor husband has not gotten the best side of me lately, very moody with him.

I rejoined Weight Watchers this morning. I have steadily gained weight since meeting my husband 3 years ago and now i weighed in at 249.6 (oh for hell's sake just say 250!!) and for being 5'6" that is way too much. This is the same i weighed the last time i joined WW and lost about 80 lbs. I was happy, happy, happy at 170 - 175 so that is my goal. I have no intention of being skinny skinny I just want to be back in shape. So i got home and did a crazy amount of chores, which i'm hoping counts as some form of exercise. I have let the hubby know he can't be his standard food pusher, like he normally is. Losing weight with him in my life will be a challenge. But hey, i'm up for it!

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